Meet April Ambassador, Leah!

We are excited to welcome our April ambassador, Leah Adams, to the L.U.V family! Scroll down to watch Leah’s story and her about her fight against melanoma.


Leah’s Story

On October 14, 2019, Leah received the call that totally turned her world upside down. At just 26 years old, she received the news that she has stage 1A melanoma. Leah recounts in her interview feeling her heart and stomach sinking at the same time. All of her unhealthy skin and sun habits flashed before her eyes and she felt completely lost.

Her diagnosis was difficult to hear, but it was even more difficult for Leah to think of all the things that could have been done to prevent the diagnosis. Leah made it her mission to use her story and journey to spread awareness.

Sometimes things feel impossible, unbearable or unfair, but they pass and you are left with a battle scar that will tell a story.
— Leah Adams

Leah’s tips for YOUR skin health

The moles on your body are unique. Learning about them will help to increase early detection rates of skin cancer. We’ve been given lots of guidelines and rules to live by at the moment, but checking ourselves regularly, learning about our bodies, and taking steps to prevent skin cancer has never been more important. Wear sunscreen, wear UPF 50+ clothing L.U.V. provides, and if you see moles on your body growing, changing or something that doesn’t seem right to you, call your dermatologist right away.

I’d like to debunk the myth that ‘it’s just skin cancer.’ Many people believe cancer of the skin can easily be removed or cutout, but melanoma is actually the deadliest type of skin cancer.
— Leah Adams

Written by Kethan Patel.


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